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When babies are young, they travel with lots of equipment, distractions, and bags of Cheerios so they don’t cry on the plane. Parents of young children may think that traveling gets easier as their child gets older. To some extent this is true, but a different set of judgments come into play when they are unable to get around in a wheelchair but have strong opinions about where to go and what to do. Add to that the fact that teenagers often prefer spending time with friends over their parents, and a dream vacation can quickly go wrong.
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According to a new report from Hilton, 85% of US parents plan to travel with their children in the next year. These parents look for ways to avoid traveling, regardless of the age of their children. With a changed mindset and a different approach to planning, teenagers and their parents can travel together.
Involve young people in planning
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If you’re open to other directions, ask your teen or tween for recommendations. Maybe they’re interested in something they read in school or want to travel to a country where they can learn to speak the language they learned in school. If your destination isn’t up for discussion, ask your child to research what’s going on there or interesting stops along the way. If some of the activities are your kids’ ideas, chances are they’ll buy something for the trip, even if their input is just finding a place to eat or a cool store. If you let your teens plan some of the plans, they may also find fun activities they never thought of. If you are really successful, they will enjoy the task and want to plan new tasks in the future
Think about your child’s idea of having fun
What your child likes to do at home, he wants to do on vacation too. Some parents refuse to go to the amusement park or the movies on vacation because they can easily do it at home. Some families call it a “day off” where they just hang out in the pool, while others let their teenagers take complete control of the day. Children who are tired of visiting museums will greatly appreciate the time alone. Some families swear by the idea of having a “Kids’ Day” every few days during the holidays, where parents forgo things they’d like to do in favor of something their kids enjoy. This type of thinking applies equally to teenagers and can go a long way to ensuring that everyone goes home with happy memories. Some families look for activities that teenagers can enjoy, such as cooking classes or surfing lessons.
Give them some independence
Between school, friends and sports, many teenagers are used to spending a lot of time away from their parents. Suddenly being with family 24/7 can be difficult. Depending on the destination of the trip and whether or not your child has their own phone, letting your teen walk for an hour or enjoy a slice of pizza alone may be appropriate. Make sure you always know where they are and know their emergency number, no matter where you are.
Looking for a single family home
Finding family accommodation will help you relax and enjoy yourself. Knowing that there are other families on the property will reduce the stress of always having to keep your teen quiet, and you can rest easy knowing that your teen isn’t the only one going into the lobby for a treat snack. . It can be helpful to find a hotel with a pool or a large lobby where the teen can get away from the family for a few minutes. If that’s within your budget, look into a hotel like the Hilton, which is guaranteed to offer adjoining or connecting rooms, or book a resort that offers activities for teens.
go yourself
Adults and babies sleep in strollers where they can move around all day. Teens and teens may not have the attention span or patience to jump from attraction to attraction. Take a few breaks between stops so you can regroup and recharge.
Simplifying screen time rules
While every family has their own rules, flights and long car trips are usually not times to strictly limit screen time. For many families, the secret to a comfortable trip is that each child has their own device. The Fire HD tablet is a great choice for a very portable, yet very portable tablet. Content controls and parental time limits are optional. For parents who want to encourage vacation reading, try the Kindle so kids can access almost any book at any time and never lose track. As a bonus, kids can pick up free digital books from the library before their trip and read quietly in the dark, even in their hotel room.
Snacks are plentiful
There is a big overlap between traveling with toddlers and older kids in the need for snacks; lots and lots of snacks. Make sure you have it with you and listen to your teenager when they tell you they need to eat. Nobody likes hungry teenagers.
stand firm
Teenagers and phones are inseparable. This is never truer than when traveling. Teenagers use their phones on planes, trains and cars for entertainment, to keep in touch with friends and to write about their travels. Charging phones is essential for a successful trip. Anker Power Bank is a good choice as it is durable and lightweight. Get a tech organizer, preferably a Nomatic, that’s durable and waterproof to withstand shocks and keep your devices safe. Another great option is Knack Bags, which have built-in storage for your device but look like a regular backpack so kids don’t get distracted. And the shiny silicone cable sleeve not only differentiates whose charger it is (conflict denied), but also stands out with its pop of color, so it won’t be forgotten in the hotel or anywhere else.
Set some ground rules before you go
Establishing ground rules before you leave home goes a long way to ensuring a restful stay. Discuss screen time limits, power outages, going to the pool alone, and family expectations. These rules will likely change from year to year based on the destination and the age of the child, so make it clear that the ground rules you set are not permanent. The best time to discuss and agree these rules is a few weeks before the trip so that no one starts their vacation unhappy.
Be open about not being together all the time
In families with more than one child, disputes between siblings can start at an early age. Children can also have different interests, which can make it difficult to please everyone. Once upon a time there was a young man who loved art history and you know his brother or sister couldn’t stay in an art museum for more than an hour. Take small breaks. Individual time will make teens feel that their needs are taken care of, and time apart will help siblings bond better when they get together.
Pack it well
By the time the kids were twelve, the days of packing gummy bears for toddlers were over. Many families start by giving older children a packing list, but expect the children to pack themselves. If everything goes well, older children can also organize the route on their own, even with several stops.
Packing buckets are the big secret to proper packing for teens and young adults. Mono’s compression packing blocks not only keep kids’ clothes from getting mixed up in their luggage, but also allow them to pack more stuff. This is another compact bag that teenagers need to resist their basic instinct to carry dirty laundry in suitcases. Moomin’s moisture and odor resistant version is nice because it comes with a hanger so you can easily hang the must-have bag in your closet. For cold weather travel, the down jacket creates a warm option that can fit conveniently in a suitcase if needed.
It is also useful for every child to have a large bag for the souvenirs they take on holiday or as a bag for all the things they want to take with them when travelling, but the ideal is always to pack light. Make sure you can take your child anywhere if they need anything.
Promote resilience for all
It helps if you tell your teen what to do each day. However, it may be more valuable to remind young people in advance that not everything will go according to plan. Parents should also consider this. When teens are having a bad time or just don’t want to be somewhere, parents can increase their chances of a memorable trip if they’re willing to adjust their plans. That doesn’t mean giving up every time your teen complains, but when you have an unhappy teen in your lap, compromise can help get the journey back on track.
keep peace
Traveling with teenagers can be noisy. They want their music heard. They fight with their siblings. They laugh and complain. If possible, separate siblings on planes or with creative seating arrangements. Noise-cancelling headphones are a good choice for on-the-go. JBL headphones are a good choice because of their long battery life and noise cancellation.
Have a good time
The most important thing to remember is to have fun. Parents can’t control how naughty their teens can be, but they can do their best to go with the flow and try to meet everyone’s needs so that everyone has a good time.
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