Film Review

Kadala Theerada Bhargava Review: A Film About A Complex Relationship Handled With Maturity


Kadala Theerada Bhargava Review: A Film About A Complex Relationship Handled With Maturity

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Kadala Theerada Bhargava Review: A Film About A Complex Relationship Handled With Maturity
Kadala Theerada Bhargava Review: A Film About A Complex Relationship Handled With Maturity

Express press service

There is nothing better for cinema goers than a beautiful film. Kadala Theerada Bhargava is full of charm and youth, but she does not follow the path of the usual love triangle, and walks patiently into a fantasy world woven with the essential fabric of love and friendship.

In many ways, first-time director Pannagi Somashekara's experimental film doesn't fit the story of men fighting over a girl. Instead, he prefers to define relationships in a meaningful way, while introducing the toxic pitfalls that come with the idea of ​​soul mates.

This psychological thriller revolves around childhood friends Bharat (Bharat Gauda) and Bhargava (Patel Varun Raj). The former take on the role of guide and protector as they grow up. However, their friendship falls apart when Impana (Shruti Prakash) enters Bharat's life.

The disagreement leads to frequent fights and arguments between the two friends. What is the reason for all this confusion when the events are personal in Bharat's life and he chooses friendship over love? The main theme of this film, which also explores drug addiction and alcoholism, is when psychiatrist Jerry (KS Sridhar) comes to his senses. Picture.

The story of Pannagi Somashekara is simple, but it did not follow the usual path in terms of the film's presentation; abstract with poetic dialogues, which makes the audience think, including how he placed his two best friends and how he interacted with the character of Impana. Generally, a film about a difficult relationship is shot maturely by the director, but the runtime lacks patience.

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The lead actors Bharat, Patel Varun Raj and Shruti Prakash have performed well in the film and convey a variety of emotions through their characters. True to the title Kadala Tirada Bhargava, the film is set on the seabed. The arrangement of the songs penned by Anjil CJ is apt, Kirtan Pujari's unique cinematography suits the story perfectly.

Kadala Terada Bhargava
Directed by Pannaga Somashekhar
Starring: Bharat Gowda, Patel Varun Raj, Shruti Prakash
Rating: 2.5/5

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