Film Review

Beau Is Afraid Review: Ari Asters Third Film Is Hilarious And Insane Organized Chaos


Beau Is Afraid Review: Ari Asters Third Film Is Hilarious And Insane Organized Chaos

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Beau Is Afraid Review: Ari Asters Third Film Is Hilarious And Insane Organized Chaos
Beau Is Afraid Review: Ari Asters Third Film Is Hilarious And Insane Organized Chaos

canceled © A24 Zero

Ahri Astaire's Midsommar is shocking, frightening and mesmerizing, but one of the underrated aspects of this 2019 fantasy film is its sense of humor. The Mind Eye is seen in images of horror and growing nightmares. The feeling of Asta smiling as her character steps into the midnight sun bath, and laughing as the character's hideous girlfriend is sewn into a bear carcass before being burned. Heredity , the writer/director's first feature, doesn't quite work that way, but Midsommar hints at the wild, twisted comedic vibes that lurk around her.

Afraid of Bo , Astaire's third and final film, confirms this.

A cinematic experience very different from its predecessor, Beau Is Afraid is in many ways an exercise in organized chaos. The story unfolds in three clearly structured acts as the protagonist (Joaquin Phoenix) embarks on a harrowing journey to find his mother (Patti LuPone), a conceptual plot… almost every moment can be described as a worst-case scenario. . , and Bo, raised in fear, is forced to wallow in all her fears, hoping to appease her domineering mother.

Bo intends to return home to his mother on the anniversary of his father's death, but soon has to face the task due to his terrible living conditions; The wild brown spiders loitering outside become psychotic sleazy neighbors who hallucinate every second that he's playing loud music (and retaliate by playing his own). Life is a constant worry and he is very afraid of the outside world, but his journey can finally begin in earnest after he is attacked in the bathroom, runs outside at gunpoint by the police, and is beaten. A car and several injured homeless people.

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Beau Is Afraid should evoke extreme reactions, but keep an open mind.

If I'm not entirely clear, Bo Is Afraid will probably be the weirdest movie of the year, and as such it will also be one of the most controversial. Such is Ahri Astaire's sheer versatility, he's sure to use every ounce of Ancestral and Midsommar 's goodwill, and moviegoers who see what he's up to and ride his wave will enjoy (and be able to handle the hype). shutdown in the second half). . On the other hand, those who weren't outgoing and were only expecting something like the first two Aster features might be inspired to take to Twitter and overreact like "worst WTF movie ever", but that's me. I advise you not to become such a person.

Beau Is Afraid quickly tells you what the movie is about. When you've fixed your phenomenal sense of weirdness, you're better off leaning back in your theater chairs and waiting for your next dose of extreme weirdness, constantly waiting around the corner to insult, shock, and shock the protagonist of the same name and throw the audience into hysterics. You won't always be able to fully understand why something happened, neither in time nor in the work as a whole, because films have their own crazy logic, but if you accept it, you will understand. You like him.

Joaquin Phoenix is ​​amazing in Bo is Afraid and is surrounded by fame.

Of course, it's no surprise that Joaquin Phoenix excels at portraying such an extraordinary character, but what makes his work on Bo Afraid so remarkable is the careful choice of the protagonist living in an extreme world. Sure, she had moments of panic as she screamed, ran, and smashed through glass doors, but for the most part, Phoenix kept feelings of fear, guilt, and worry in her eyes, and she had a brilliant backdrop that only added to it all. Madness. . walk around it.

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Getting the opposite effect is an excellent supporting cast, each in their own way fueling the film's wild tone and plot, and they all seem to do just that. Nathan Lane and Amy Ryan, who play the couple who hit Bo with his car, are impressively insane as Roger and Grace (a pair of grieving parents who seem eager to leave Bo in their home, not their dead son), and declare something special. That goes to Kaylie Rogers, who played her daughter and acted sweet enough to express her displeasure to Bo, who could be her new stepbrother. Patti LuPone, Parker Posey and Richard Kind are also great… but there are a lot of details in their roles.

From wild madness to animated animation in the second half to rethinking final performances, Beau Is Afraid is a madness that must be watched to be fully understood, and even then there is still much to be done. He she. . It's time to think about everything. A brilliant work of tone and personality that hits some intricate, confusing places (please know I've refrained from writing many ridiculous surprises in this review), it not only showcases Ari Astaire's amazing range, but enhances it as a whole. The most compelling storytellers on the big screen today.

Joaquin Phoenix in the movie Bo is Afraid.

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