
Improve your ChatGPT results with these hidden features


Improve your ChatGPT results with these hidden features

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Improve your ChatGPT results with these hidden features

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a powerful conversational AI model that has garnered attention for its ability to generate human-like text. While most users interface with ChatGPT using straightforward prompts, there are numerous hidden features and parameters that can be adjusted to refine the model’s output. This article will explore these hidden features, offering tips on how to enhance your prompt writing and get the most out of ChatGPT.

Despite being originally created for simple writing tasks, users often feel they lack control over the writing style and words used by ChatGPT. However, by adding parameters to the prompts, users can gain control over the length, complexity, and randomness of the text generated. This feature allows users to customize the output to their specific needs, making the tool even more useful. One of the hidden features of OpenAI’s ChatGPT is its ability to generate comprehensive summaries of books.

System-level Instructions

One of the lesser-known features of ChatGPT is the ability to provide high-level directives to the model. By framing your prompt as a system instruction, you can guide the model’s behavior in a more explicit manner. For instance:

You are an assistant that speaks like Shakespeare.

This will make ChatGPT generate responses in a Shakespearean style.

Iterative Refinement

Instead of settling for the first answer ChatGPT provides, consider refining your question or asking for clarification. This iterative approach can lead to more precise and tailored information.

For example:

User: Tell me about quantum mechanics.
ChatGPT: Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics...

User: Can you explain it in simpler terms?
ChatGPT: Certainly! Imagine if the world worked on dice rolls...

1. Setting a Persona

By providing a system instruction, you can make ChatGPT “become” a specific character or entity. This can be useful for role-playing scenarios or when you want responses in a particular style. For instance:

  • "You are a 19th-century historian."
    • This instruction will make ChatGPT generate responses that mimic the knowledge and style of a historian from the 1800s.
  • "You are a fictional character from a fantasy world."
    • This could lead to the model generating imaginative and fantastical responses, perhaps speaking of dragons and wizards.

2. Modifying Language and Style

System-level instructions can also be used to change the way ChatGPT structures its sentences or the type of language it uses:

  • "Speak like Shakespeare."
    • The model will attempt to mimic the poetic and archaic style of William Shakespeare.
  • "Answer in a concise and straightforward manner."
    • This would prompt ChatGPT to provide short and direct responses.

3. Guiding Content Depth

You can instruct the model to adjust the complexity and depth of its answers:

  • "Explain it to me like I'm five."
    • ChatGPT will try to simplify the answer, making it understandable for a young child.
  • "Provide a detailed technical explanation."
    • The model will dive deeper into the subject, offering a more complex response suitable for someone familiar with the topic.

4. Contextual Behavior

You can set the context for how the model should behave throughout the conversation:

  • "You are a detective trying to solve a mystery."
    • The model will respond as if it’s investigating a case, asking probing questions or seeking clues.

5. Emulating Emotions or Attitudes

System-level instructions can also guide the model’s emotional tone or attitude:

  • "Respond with enthusiasm."
    • The model’s replies will be more upbeat and lively.
  • "You are a skeptic."
    • ChatGPT will approach topics with doubt or questioning.

6. Combining Multiple Instructions

You can combine several instructions to achieve a specific behavior:

  • "You are a pirate who speaks in rhymes."
    • ChatGPT will adopt a pirate’s persona and try to answer in rhyming verses.

ChatGPT hidden features to improve your prompt writing and more

Other articles you may find interesting or useful on the subject of prompt writing when using artificial intelligence :

Token Counts

Every word or character string that ChatGPT processes is considered a token. Tokens play a crucial role in determining the length and breadth of the model’s responses. It’s useful to understand tokens for two main reasons:

  • Model Capacity: There’s a maximum limit to the number of tokens that ChatGPT can handle in a single request (both input and output combined). As of my last update, the GPT-3.5-Turbo model, for example, has a maximum token limit of 4096.
  • Billing: If you’re using ChatGPT via the OpenAI API, you’re billed based on the number of tokens processed.

How to Check Token Count:

To see how many tokens are used by a certain piece of text, you can use OpenAI’s tiktoken Python library. It helps in counting tokens without making an API call.


The temperature setting is one of the more intriguing parameters you can adjust when using ChatGPT. It influences the randomness of the model’s output.

  • Higher Temperature (e.g., 1.0): Produces more random outputs. The responses can be diverse and sometimes even surprising.
  • Lower Temperature (e.g., 0.2): Yields more deterministic outputs. The model is more likely to produce conservative and expected responses.

By adjusting the temperature, you can strike a balance between creativity and reliability in the model’s answers.

Max Tokens

The max_tokens parameter allows you to limit the length of the response from ChatGPT. This can be useful if you want to ensure that the model’s replies are concise.
For example, setting max_tokens to 50 will restrict the model’s response to 50 tokens, regardless of the potential length of the natural answer.

ing its hidden features can greatly enhance your experience. Whether you’re seeking more creative outputs, concise answers, or refined information, these features and techniques can help you achieve the desired results. Remember to experiment and iterate, as the versatility of ChatGPT offers endless possibilities.

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