
From IT Sector Job To Getting Into IAS And Securing AIR 36 In UPSC Result Announced In 2024


From IT Sector Job To Getting Into IAS And Securing AIR 36 In UPSC Result Announced In 2024

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From IT Sector Job To Getting Into IAS And Securing AIR 36 In UPSC Result Announced In 2024

Ayushi Pradhan: From IT Sector Job to Getting into IAS And Securing AIR 36 in UPSC Result Announced in 2024


Ayushi Pradhan, a 25-year-old from Bhubaneswar, Orissa, attended school in Orissa and then graduated with a degree in computer science from State Government College. Her mother works with an NGO. In her 1st attempt, she cleared Prelims and Mains but couldn’t get in the final list by ten marks. Then, in her 2nd attempt in 2022, she secured AIR 334 and got into Indian Defence Estate Service.

However, she was not satisfied, so she made her 3rd attempt in 2023, worked very hard to improve her weak points, and finally secured AIR 36, announced in 2024.Here we are talking about Ayushi Pradhan: From IT Sector Job to Getting into IAS And Securing AIR 36 in UPSC Result Announced in 2024.

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Becoming a Civil Servant was not her childhood dream. During COVID, her father’s health deteriorated very badly, and her neighbor, who was a bureaucrat, helped her father to get good treatment, after which she realized that she also wanted to become a civil servant and help people who are in need and make some positive changes in the lives of the people. Because of this, she left her job, and her mother was initially angry, but after seeing her zeal and passion for following her daughter’s dream, she started supporting her in this journey. 

During her initial days of preparation, she couldn’t understand much because of her engineering background, so gradually, she started watching videos and joined a foundation course of coaching, and then she gradually began to understand things. She used to read and revise 3-4 times if she did not understand any topic, and in this way, she ensured that she understood every topic. 

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For Prelims, she focused on improving her strong parts and read and revised them so many times that they printed in her subconscious mind, which helped her clear prelims every time. For current affairs, she referred to 2-3 materials of coaching institutes as they are very dynamic. She also analyzed the previous year’s question papers, which became instrumental during her preparation. She also gave sectional and full-length test series just one month before the examination, which helped her to find her weaknesses and strengths, and accordingly, she worked on that and revised it again to improve her score. 

For Mains, she made her own notes on the syllabus keywords and also added value to the topics that were in the news. She referred to notes of coaching institutes for GS and added value to them. She also used Chatgpt to get ideas on how to structure the answers. She also worked on time management to complete papers in 3 hours. 

For the Interview, she did one-to-one sessions with her friends and gave a few mocks, which helped her gain a lot of confidence.


S.No. Subject  Marks
1 Written Total  845
2 Interview/ Personality Test 170
3 Final Total 1015

Ayushi gave some important advice to students preparing for this exam: first, they should have consistency, and then, they should work hard, be motivated, and be dedicated, which is very important. Third, I need to have strong willpower and a never-give-up attitude. She also advised not to follow too many resources and stick to minimum resources and revise it multiple times. She also focused on maintaining discipline during the entire preparation.

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And then, she also gave advice not to become lazy and procrastinate while giving test series or completing a subject. The most important thing during this preparation is to be honest with ourselves which will definitely help a lot to achieve success and fulfill their dreams of becoming an IAS officer. 


Although she has cleared this exam and achieved her dreams, she believes that she will truly be successful when she will help the helpless and needy. This shows her character and nature which should be there in every civil servant and the aspiring students. She thanked her parents, friends and well wishers for her success and she enjoyed this whole process and not only the result which shows her right and positive mindset and unwavering commitment towards her dream which should be taken as an example by the youths of our country and try to follow her good qualities during their preparation which will definitely helped them. 

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