Windlands 2 (2018), the co-op platforming adventure from Psytec…

Upcoming Arena Shooter ‘Frenzies’ Brings ‘Fracked’ Gunplay & Multiplayer Madness to Quest & PSVR 2
Creating a great arena shooter is hard, as…

New VR Games Showcase Promises “AAA” Reveals Next Month for Quest, PSVR 2, & PC VR
A new VR Games Showcase is kicking off…

Alyx’ on PSVR 2 Would be a Win-win-win for Valve, Sony, & Players
There’s at least six really good reasons why getting…

Sony Balks on PSVR 2 Game Development
Sony is getting ready to release tethered PC…

Fates’ Update for PSVR 2 Brings Graphics Enhancements and New Content
STRIDE: Fates (2023) initially released late last year…

Sony Certifies PSVR 2 Hardware Adapter as It Makes Way for Official PC VR Support
Sony said earlier this year it was bringing PC…

PlayStation ‘Days of Play’ Brings Six Free PSVR 2 Games to Premium Members, $100 Off PSVR 2 Hardware
PlayStation Plus members are in for a treat…

PC VR Exclusive Puzzle Adventure ‘Firmament’ Coming to PSVR 2 Later This Year
Firmament (2023), the puzzle adventure from MYST creators…
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